Guided tour/ artist’s talk – Ana Cvorovic – ‘Borders Unfold’
‘Borders Unfold’, the first UK solo show of Sarajevo-born British artist Ana Čvorović.
Ana will be on hand to take us on a tour of the exhibition and share her insights.
‘Borders Unfold’ is the culmination of a year-long exploration of the complex psychological effects of geographic dislocation, particularly within communities from former Yugoslavia displaced during the civil war of the nineties.
Aiming to create a link between her own experience of displacement and that of others, the artist pursued a research residency in Utica, New York, the city with the largest rate of refugees per capita in the US, in the summer of 2018. Having worked with the local community on interviews, workshops and sound recordings, now she returns to sculpture to unfold her own interpretation of this investigation.
The exhibition will feature a new body of work comprised of sculptural works, site-specific installations and a surround soundscape, inviting visitors to experience the gallery space as an immersive journey.
Elements such as cast objects, oil paintings on tarpaulin, and everyday items incapsulated in resin, present some of Čvorović’s recurring motifs, as well as new sculptural processes initiated for this project.
As with previous works, the vulnerability of childhood is evoked in visceral, sensorial ways. Whilst in Discharged (2014) we saw child mattresses protruded by a metal frame, ‘Borders Unfold’ introduces a series of aquatic references, like children’s swim suits and colorful fishing paraphernalia, highlighting water as a host for varied psychological states.